Inoar Cosmetics Receives International Business Management Award
Company works its
guidelines for strengthening sustainable development goals
São Paulo, 05/15/2019 – Inoar Cosméticos received last night (14) the “Brazilian Company of the Year Award 2019 “by the Latin American Quality Institute (LAQI).
The title was granted to companies aware of the role they play in the business world and the responsibility that they provide in generating opportunities for development of society.
“To achieve Total Quality Companies should establish triple impact (Economic-Social-Environmental) and in this sense we will train each business leader of our network to apply responsible management that impacts on society and contribute at the same time to achieving the global objective proposed by the UN to 2030, “said LAQI CEO & Founder Daniel Maximilian da Costa, DHC.
Inoar, a company founded by Innocence Manoel and Alexandre Nascimento, is a signatory of the Global as part of their strategies, culture and day-to-day operations. United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (ODS), in full synergy with the model of excellence of the Latin American Quality Institute.
According to Innocence Manoel, “All the practical actions that Inoar has been developing over the years, in addition to aligned with the principles established by the Global Compact, are as a consequence of the values that the company has always had, focused on the Human Rights, Labor, Environment and the Fight against Corruption. And the Prize Brazilian Company of the Year 2019 is a consequence of our way of thinking and Act.”
The awards, held against important national business leaders, happened in the headquarters of Fecomércio, in São Paulo.
About Inoar
Brazilian company reference in the national and international market, Inoar Cosmetics brings in its DNA the of its founders: the creation of innovative products through the unique Innocence Manoel, Director of Marketing and Creation, and the Alexandre Nascimento’s businesses make Inoar a cosmetics brand inspired by various types of people, with innovation, cutting edge technology and know-how of those who understand the needs of professionals and consumers final results.
Facebook: InoarBrasil
Instagram: @InoarBrasil | belezasolidaria.inoar
Tel.: (11) 4135-4555