What is Clean Beauty and how multifunctional cosmetics fit into this concept
Clean Beauty is a concept that has conquered its space within the cosmetic segment and every day brands and consumers invest in products with this ideology.
But, do you know what, in fact, determines whether that cosmetic really fits that definition?
Sustainable beauty has several aspects, but it can be defined as products that do not harm the environment and our body. However, the broad idea allows for a different series of conceptions.
An example is vegans, who can defend a product that is harmful to the planet if it is tested on animals or uses any type of derivative in its composition.
Multifunctional cosmetics are similar to the Clean Beauty concept, but they have important differences. They are a great alternative for those looking for a care routine, but don’t have enough time for it.
They are known for having several functions, dispensing with the use of several products on a daily basis.
An example of this are oils that can be used as cutting edge repairers, skin moisturizers and makeup remover at the same time.
But how do multifunctional cosmetics fit into the Clean Beauty concept?
The answer is simple! In addition to the practicality provided, the products help to reduce the excess of waste generated by the segment, contributing to sustainable beauty.
Understand more about Clean Beauty and multifunctional cosmetics
As different as they seem, both concepts intersect in some important aspects, especially when we are talking about the environment and sustainability.
Learn more about the Clean Beauty concept
You can already understand a little about the Clean Beauty concept. But, what must a cosmetic present to be inside it?
To fit in the Clean Beauty cosmetics group it is necessary to follow some basic rules.
First, the product must not contain any type of toxic active such as: paraben, silicone, sulfates, among others. That is, any component that can cause harm or health risks such as allergies and redness, for example.
The composition of this type of cosmetic must contain at least 95% of the natural masterpiece.
In addition, products must have a complete list of ingredients used in the formulation of cosmetics, as transparency is one of the main features present in the concept of clean beauty.
All products need to give all the information to their customers so that they know what they are getting without any kind of false advertising.
But attention: it is very important not to confuse the movement with vegan, natural and organic cosmetics, because even if they are similar, they have several differences.
Clean Beauty’s concern is toxin-free cosmetics, but that doesn’t mean they are vegan as some ingredient may be artificial or animal-based.
Inoar is a 100% vegan and Cruelty Free company, that is, the products are not tested on animals or have ingredients of animal origin.
What about multifunctional cosmetics?
Multifunctional cosmetics perform more than one function in a single product and/or associate a series of actives to their formula.
Therefore, they are a good alternative for those who wish to follow a daily care routine, but cannot because of the rush of everyday life. This way you won’t need to use multiple products.
Multifunctional products are those that are used for skin and hair and to know if they have multiple functions, just look at the information on the packaging, as they are usually described.
Therefore, if a product moisturizes the skin and repairs the hair strands, it can be considered multifunctional.
Sustainability in multifunctional products
In addition to all the benefits provided by multifunctional products, they are still sustainable, as there is no need to have multiple packaging that most likely will not be recycled. You will only have one.
This reduces plastic consumption in the country. According to a survey carried out by estadão in 2019, Brazil produced about 11.3 tons of synthetic material waste per year, being the largest producer in the world. In addition, only 1.28% of all this material is recycled.
It is also worth remembering that plastic takes about 600 years to decompose and has been the main responsible for the death of marine animals and pollution of rivers and seas.
Therefore, multifunctional products and Clean Beauty are a way to minimize impacts on the environment and the health of those who consume them. In addition, it has the advantage of saving time in the self-care routine.
This happens because multifunctional products, as already mentioned, can be used in different ways. Therefore, you can hydrate your hair while hydrating your body, for example, providing practicality.
Inoar has multifunctional products such as the multifunctional Kálice oil.
The line has everything you need for hair, face and body as it repairs split ends, moisturizes the body and can also be used as a makeup remover.
Kálice has precious vegetable oils in its composition: rosemary, sweet almonds, argan, jasmine, macadamia, myrrh and ojon.
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