Capillary Pyeamid
Capillary Pyeamid Inoar
What is:
A visual guide that aims to guide people towards the maintenance of healthy hair.
For who it serves:
For all types of hair. We know that there is a unique approach to all hair types, so the pyramid offers hair care options that should be chosen according to your hair, associated with good habits and professional tips.
How to use?
The Inoar Hair Pyramid shows us the vital needs of hair:
Daily Care: The base of the pyramid shows us what you can include in your routine:
– to wash
The word shampoo has Indian origin and means ‘massage’. Did you know that there is an ideal way to wash your hair? After choosing the right type of shampoo for your hair (take into account if they are dry, oily, mixed, brittle, etc.), massage the scalp gently with your fingertips without rubbing your nails. The massage activates the blood circulation, favoring the growth of the wires. Use water at low temperature and always rinse thoroughly, removing the product completely from your hair.
-To condition:
The use of the conditioner is very important to untangle the wires. Choose the one best suited for your hair type. The correct amount is proportional to the length of the hair and it should be applied only to the wires, never to the root, after removing the excess water.
There are several finishers to complement your daily care with hair. Leave-In are non-rinse products that should be applied to damp hair before combing. The oils control the frizz and waterproof the hair. They should be used in small quantity and only in the tips. Already the curl finalizers are .
Weekly care: once a week, devote some time to your hair. They appreciate it.
– hydrate
An efficient hair system takes into account 3 fundamental hair steps. Alternate the Hydration, Nutrition and Reconstruction masks to care for your hair according to your routine and have healthy hair every day. Moisturizing is the first step to a care routine. Hydration replenishes water, vital for healthier hair. Nourishing means replenishing the lipids of the wires, so use masks with oils, butters and other components that allow lipids to act on the wires, replenishing their energy. The Reconstruction deposits keratin, proteins, amino acids and minerals in the threads, essential components for the physical structure of the hair. They treat the outer layers of the strands and are responsible for the shine, softness and the natural swing of the strands.
Biweekly care: every 15 days, remember some treatments that will make all the difference to your yarn.
– extra hydration [tips | Inoar masks, Help line]
Hair with chemistry calls for extra hydration. Try mixing an ampule of oil to your mask to boost moisturizing effects.
If your hair is normal or oily, moisturize biweekly.
Monthly Care: Check the calendar – there is always a day in the month when your hair needs more attention.
– lights, wicks, balayages
For those who are fond of the discolored threads, there is nothing like protecting and protecting their color. There are products, such as Arganplex, that protect wires during more aggressive procedures. Use Home Care three days in a row before discoloring, coloring, or straightening.
Agenda of your hair:
Print the image of the hair pyramid with hair care reminders to program your routine to receive alerts on the cell phone.